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The Teppanyaki...

I make a lot of references to using a teppanyaki to cook with whilst camping and for very good reasons. 

  1. Safety - No naked flames or hot coals like a barbie or gas burner!

  2. As I have paid for my electric hook up, I will (ab)use my electric hookup!

  3. Meals are quick and easy to do, only hampered by your lack of cooking ability and imagination!

  4.  Cheaper than a Cadac etc - at only £20 off the Internet/Aldi/Lidl you can rest assured they are cheap. I have just bought a new one for no reason than its cheap, my old is four years old now and I would hate it to break when they are not readily available from my local Aldi!


So what can you cook on them? Exactly what you can cook on a BBQ but... more! The construction of a BBQ does not lend itself to doing pancakes or fried bread or eggs for example. I have done all these on my 'yaki! 

Check out the pictures on the right for a few ideas. We are usually cooking for three adults so bear that in mind however we can cater for more!

Plenty of variations of a theme shown above. Pork steaks, onions, pepers and mushrooms.  Stuffing cooked in rings also used for fried eggs! Beefburgers and onions. Knock up a salad and stick it all together with a nice wine or lager. Bostin'!

Quick and tasty Breakfast Burritos!

A new recipe for the Teppanyaki when camping...
Fried egg, beans, chorizo slices a little bit of cheese all wrapped up in a  tortilla wrap... Gorgeous!

1, Add oregano, basil and ground black pepper to the oil before you fry up the egg.
2, Once egg is all but cooked place it on your tortilla.
3, Add cold beans, chorizo and cheese.
4, Sprinkle seasoning all over.
5, Wrap tortilla into a parcel and place in dry frying pan or on the Teppanyaki and cook it through for a few minutes on each side.
6, Serve on a plate with salad of choice, a cup of tea and enjoy!!

Carefulnottight is written in  either Wolverhampton or, generally,  in my Caravan whilst touring the UK.

© 2016 by Moriarty the Mundane

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