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A trip to the South of France... with a difference! (Part 3)

So just a quick recap! Part one explained how this holiday came about, part two talked about the journey down to Alencon, onto La Rochelle and the Île de Ré​ and this part... Part 3 will talk about reaching Richards old" farmhouse style" house, surrounded by vineyards, countryside and little lizards somewhere deep in the south of France!

The journey from La Rochelle is a long one, some 360 kms or roughly 225 miles if you take the fast motorways or "A routes" and wish to pay the tolls on the way. The problem is these tolls add up quite considerably and although you do save time, you are missing so much countryside, you can enjoy, that it is nice to get past the boring bits quickly, you know the "flat lands" on the free bits of A route. Plan your journey well and you can often turn off before you reach the toll charge booths, saving yourself some hard earned cash and getting a much more pleasant journey!

We managed to do this a few times and skirting Bordeaux we headed due south to Mont-De-Marsan turning east tat Aire Sur la D'or arriving at Richard's house mid afternoon.

This place is in the middle of nowhere! Four or five vineyards, about a dozen houses or so and that's about it! Shopping can be done in a few smallish towns locally and fuel at the larger towns, the area is very similar to Shropshire with rolling countryside but as the weather is warmer down her, the grass looks more scorched and the fields are full of vines not corn/wheat or barley etc!

Bikes duly un loaded, bags sorted in the respective bedrooms house given a good airing we started on the wine whilst preparing tea. I dont know how it happens but the local 'jungle drums' must have been busy because over the next few days people just sauntered up the path from the road to say hello and catch up on the latest gossip. I am amazed how friendly people are down in the south and how many know Richard!

We met the neighbours who had moved in a few years ago and and they made us a massive BBQ, again the wine flows freely and again it's a long night. The guitar came out and songs were sung until late. We getting to know them and vice-versa and the conversation soon turned to what locals would consider as gibberish as we don't speak much French and they don't speak much English! Luckily Google translate works superbly as does Richard who is fluent in French especially if he is SOBER!

During the night we were invited to the local Fete! It was a few days later, there was a small charge for entrance which included a drink of wine, food and a cabaret evening and what an evening it turned out to be!

Highlight of the night were three very young, nice Can Can girls reputedly from the Folies Bergere! During the last dance they performed on the night the girls come down into the audience and "Dance" on an unsuspecting shy mans lap... my lap!! So being the English gentleman that I am I bounced her up and down on my knees very vigorously with her crying ooh La La! at the top of her voice... that must have been a signal as the three girls grabbed us three men and dragged us up onto the stage to "dance" the Can Can. The audience loved it and if I am truly honest, so did I!! Sadly for you dear reader no pictures or footage exist of me up on stage as my better half could not control her phone for laughing!

What a night! If you can get the chance to go to a Fete in France its a must...

Part four, the final part, will be put up soon, this part three got left unfinished for ages due to certain commitments. However, part four will have some pictures and a link to a video, hopefully, as we ride our bikes from France, south to Spain, both under and over, the Pyrenees and visit what was once said to be the largest railway station in the world!

See you again soon



Carefulnottight is written in  either Wolverhampton or, generally,  in my Caravan whilst touring the UK.

© 2016 by Moriarty the Mundane

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