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   WHO AM I   

So, who am I and what makes me tick?


My name is Nick and I can be found on the internet under my "nomme de plume" of Moriarty the Mundane! I run a car club, I play guitar and ukulele and love loud blues/rock music. Many years ago I rode motorcycles and although I dont have one now, I do love to see one and I do love to reminisce!!  UPDATE!! Feb 2018 I bought a motorbike!!

Update to the Update that motorbike has moved on and I now a different one

What's with Careful Not Tight and the on the road bit?


Well as I said I run a car club, its at the end of its present life, no doubt it will pick up when the cars are sought after classics, but, will a Fiat Multipla ever be a classic? I think they will!

They are a classic design and having had two and loads of involvement with them, I have to say they may have their faults but, they are brilliant, practical cars when they run well!


Checkout this website if you need help with a Multipla

and whilst your here checkout the link at the bottom of the page for

Possibly cheaper car insurance via the club.

Me and my two Multipla's

Whilst at the Multipla Ugly bug ball, (UBB) 2009 with my nearly new Multipla the new owner of my old Multi turned up! I just had to have this picture taken!

You don't need to own a Multipla, you can insure any car!

At the time of quotation, please mention 'Ref 904 Multipla Owners' so we can receive a little commission!


What else do we do?

Other travel focused things we do is that we are avid campers, or should I now say, "caravanners" and love to tour. So far only in the UK but I feel Europe coming on! Read my blog pages to see places we have been to in our 'Tintent!'


"Careful not tight" What's that all about?

I had a forum for helping people save money but, it never really took off. I like to try and save cash and I like to repair the odd thing or six! So, throw it all together and I felt I could do a blog about it all and here it is!


Finally, I am now well past 60 (and counting) and in semi-retirement and I feel a distinct itch to fully retire sooner than later and I would love to tour Europe in a camper or... Australia!!!  Will it happen? I hope so, I just need to organise "my life and my wife" to think the same way as me!

Hey ho! A lot to do but, you never know... we may just crack it!

Carefulnottight is written in  either Wolverhampton or, generally,  in my Caravan whilst touring the UK.

© 2016 by Moriarty the Mundane

Cheaper Car Insurance from Chris Knott Insurance. Dial 0800 917 2274 or 01424 200477 & please don't forget to quote 'reference 904 – MULTIPLA OWNERS CLUB!" (It works for friends and family too!)

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